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2024 Feng Shui Mastery - Fix, Enhance, Activate

2024 promises to be a Powerful Year.  It's a Year where Period 9 Finally Arrives bring both certainty and uncertainty, and so it's a year to gear up and begin an auspicious energy cycle with splendor, simplicity and strength.  Using the Combined Power of 6 Powerful Programs Together You Will Be Able To Refine Your Results With Even Greater Accuracy and Strength.  As we commence our journey into Period 9 in 2024 make your Home into a Fortress and Activate Fortunate Energies with confidence and in the Right Way...    

A few of the topics we will cover:

  • Setting up main yearly Feng Shui Energies powerfully in your home and office
  • Paying particular attention to your Prosperity Stars + Health Stars + Other Good Energies in our Remedy Workshop that would enhance career, romance and spiritual wellbeing.
  • ALSO Reducing Negative Energies such as sickness, gossip and negativity.
  • Learn about important energies to explore further if renovating in 2024...
  • THEN exploring the Advanced Blueprint factors with a building horoscope and the cross-over between the Yearly Stars and the building alignment...
  • Adding in:
    QiMen Dun Jia (to reset personal energies)
    The 4 Nobles - To bring the nobleman to your home in 2024
    Advanced Personal Feng Shui Astrology 2024
    2024 Chinese Astrology Labs
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2024 Feng Shui Mastery - Fix Enhance Activate$247

  • Total payment
  • 1x2024 Feng Shui Mastery - Fix Enhance Activate$247

All prices in USD